Hi, As I'm currently making the first release of Kig, and I thought i might let you know. I think that it is rather stable, and I think it already has enough features to be usable.. Basically, here's what has been added over time: 1 more intuitive: with the new modes thing, Kig is rather intuitive to use, especially for constructing objects 2 KGeo compatibility: Kig can read KGeo files, provided they don't use some objects like arcs, vectors and such, which i have not yet implemented... A lot of files that only use segments, lines, circles... work nicely. I've also tried to make Kig look a bit more like KGeo. 3 Bugfixes related to macro's, locuses etc. I have put a tarball ( made with cvs2pack and a script from WildFox (wildfox@kde.org) ) on ftp://ftp.kde.org/incoming/unstable/KDE3.x/ if you want to test it ( you can also use the one from cvs, of course ). I was also wondering if you would agree to make kig part of KDE-Edu for KDE 3.2. Kig is rather stable now, and i think i can still add some features ( like the Right Mouse Button menu's for objects ) before 3.2 is released... Let me know what you think.. cheers domi -- I'm still waiting for the "Honk if you hate Microsoft" [bumper sticker], but that might get annoying, everyone honking at you. -- From a Slashdot.org post >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<