Hi, I recently hacked up a KDE Frontend for Cachegrind, the cache simulation and profiler part of valgrind. Some screenshots are at http://www.weidendorfers.de/kcachegrind/index.html It's a GUI version of the vg_annotate command from valgrind. As you see, the screenshots show call tree information of the profile. For this, you have to patch valgrind-1.0.0 sources as described in the HTML page; but of course profile data from vanilla valgrind-1.0.0 can be loaded. After patching, vg_annotate can show you the call tree information, too. (In fact, the most interesting thing was extending cachegrind !!). This is the first unofficial release. I'm sure there are many bugs and the GUI is still not finished. Especially I'm not sure the current layout is the best for showing all the information. And sorry, there is not much documentation at the moment. What do you think about it? E.g. you can easily see the runtime linkage overhead of konqueror (symbol _dl_runtime_resolve, especially on L2 Read Misses - for easy symbol location, type "resolve" into the toolbar line edit). Perhaps it's something for kdesdk in CVS ? I'm very interested in any problems/bugs/comments from you. Plans for the future: =2D Reading of profiling data from gprof, sprof, ... Grettings, Josef PS: Valgrind >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<