Hi, I would like to put some toolbars in a non-standard place, on a QWidgetTab. I has some problem with QToolBar warning, and that when you drag the toolbar it starts to drag from the 0,0 point of the screen. I solved that by disabling the warning and the possibility to drag the toolbar. But what happened is that there is no RMB for this toolbars. I start to figure out what is happening and here is what I've found: 1. If I create a QDockArea, put the toolbar in the MainWindow and later to this dockarea, than I have the RMB menu, but I cannot disable the moving of the toolbar, which is not desirable. It should remain in that dockarea, the user should be able to change only how the icons/texts are displayed in the toolbar. In this case I have used: QDockArea *dockArea = new QDockArea(Qt::Horizontal, QDockArea::Normal, view->toolbarTab); KToolBar *tb = new KToolBar(this, dockArea); //this is the KDockMainWindow tb->loadState(element); // load the toolbar definition from XML tb->enableMoving(false); //tried also tb->setMovingEnabled(false); no effect... tb->undock(); dockArea->moveDockWindow(tb); view->toolbarTab->addTab(dockArea, i18n(tabname)); view->toolbarTab is a QWidgetTab. 2. If I use the KToolBar *tb = new KToolBar( dockArea,0,true,true); constructor and tb->enableMoving(false); //now it has effect tb->setEnableContextMenu(true); than the toolbar cannot be dragged, but there is no RMB menu. :-( Any idea? It's like a catch of 22. Andras PS: For thos who had problem with showing the dragged toolbar frame at the bottom of the screen, solution 2. may be what you should try. >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<