Hi, I encountered the following problem in Noatun's keyz plugin (current CVS): from /home/kde/kdemultimedia/noatun/modules/keyz/keyz.cpp: if ( !s_accel ) { s_accel =3D new KGlobalAccel( this ); s_accel->insert( "PlayPause", i18n("Play/Pause"), QString::null, CTRL+ALT+Key_P, KKey::QtWIN+CTRL+Key_P, player, SLOT( playpause() )); // ... many more insert() calls ... // s_accel->readSettings() s_accel->updateConnections() } Now, when I configure keyz and set this Play/Pause shortcut to "None", i.e. no key shortcut at all, it is of course disabled. But when I restart Noatun/Keyz, the default shortcut is there again, i.e. CTRL+ALT+Key_P from the insert() call above. It should evidently still be 'None'. But the key settings are correctly saved via writeSettings() and in Noatuns rc file there is the entry 'PlayPause=3D' in the [GlobalShortcuts] section. So the KGlobalAccel::readSettings() method don't sets the shortcut to 'None' if it was saved so. All other shortcuts in keyz suffer the same problem. If I configure an other shortcut instead of 'None' everything works fine. Question: Is that a wrong behavior of KGlobalAccel or is there just a bug in keyz? If it's a bug in keyz what is the proper solution? Thank, Andreas >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<