On Fri, Mar 08, 2002 at 03:39:24PM +0100, Andy Goossens wrote: > So other carddecks should be removed from kdegames? I think 11 carddecks are > enough for the normal user. We don't need more then that. Personaly I find 5 > a bit on the low side (comparison: WindBlows has more then 5, I guess around > 12 non-good-looking ones :-) We would still have the other 6+ in kdeartwork. AFAIK Windows only lets you choose the backside and not the frontside, which is approx. 52 times larger. ;-) > Ralf Schmelter posted 2 weeks ago on the kde-games list he compressed the > carddecks even more. It saved 2.75 MB (!) and it's now in CVS. That is impressive indeed, very glad to hear that. > kdegames now has more "breathing room" then before. And we also have the > wav->ogg move. So I don't think kdegames is bloated. Perhaps not bloated, but smaller is always nicer for the user. Don't forget we'll move at least three new games into kdegames for 3.1 (Atlantik, Megami and Kolf), so we should continue to consider ways to keep base packages small. For Atlantik, I will contribute by making the gameboard designer a seperate application which goes to kdeaddons. We don't have to enforce policies right away, but at least some persistent awareness of package sizes and true added value of kdeaddons/kdeartwork would be nice to start with. Rob -- Rob Kaper | "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little cap@capsi.com | temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." www.capsi.com | - Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759 >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<