From kde-devel Wed Nov 07 21:44:47 2001 From: Benjamin Meyer Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2001 21:44:47 +0000 To: kde-devel Subject: Plugins in Kinkatta! X-MARC-Message: After reading KC KDE #24 with the mention of how many apps are getting plugin support I thought I might add that as of that last weekend Kinkatta (Kaim for those that don't already know) supports Plugins. (Note how we released rock solid Kinkatta 1.0 first and then added plugin suport :) So far I have made a rot13 plugin (easily adapted to your favorite crypto choice), a tic tac toe game (created a base class for games, thus using tic tac toe to show it off), and a half finished (to be finished today) away scheduler ( i.e. from 3-4 on mondays it will automaticly put your away message to "At math lab" etc). It is all in cvs for anyone to play around with and make plugins. Anyone that writes up a cool plugin(s) with get them included with the standard dist of Kinkatta. Here is a list of ideas that we have collected over the last 6 months while waiting for 1.0 Plugins: -crypt -festival (text to speach ) -Bablefish (translate messages on the fly!) -A plugin that replaces [square bracketed text] with a link to the corresponding Everything2 node. -Eliza or any other bot... -Uptime (they send you the message /uptime and it automaticly sends back your uptime.) -Away schedule -File Transfer -Auto Plugin Loading. -Any turn based game... Kinkatta is located on sourceforge (alas Kit beat me to kde cvs) and can be accessed at The 1.1 release will contain the new plugin code once that base clases have been fully thought out (i.e. end of this week :) and will hopefully dum up some developer interest. Questions, comments etc can be sent to the Kinkatta mailing list: -Benjamin Meyer Lead Developer etc... >> Visit to unsubscribe <<