On Wednesday 10 October 2001 03:17 am, Jörg Walter wrote: > Hi! > > Many people asked and searched for it, me too, and after hours of > futile searching, I did such a thing myself, and it actually works! ;) > > kio_fish implements the FISH protocol, as seen in Midnight Commander's #sh > VFS handler. This is basically shell-over-ssh access, only that it is > possible to provide a dedicated server on the remote machine to speed > things up. (Though my tests show no immediate need for that.) > actually I'm working on basicly the same thing - but as an extension of the tcp ioslave - basicly I want to be able to run pop/imap over it for kmail - I'm doing the simple ssh proxying of a connection through an existing ssh client Paul >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<