Hi! Many people asked and searched for it, me too, and after hours of futile searching, I did such a thing myself, and it actually works! ;) kio_fish implements the FISH protocol, as seen in Midnight Commander's #sh VFS handler. This is basically shell-over-ssh access, only that it is possible to provide a dedicated server on the remote machine to speed things up. (Though my tests show no immediate need for that.) kio_fish works with any remote OS, as long as it has a bourne style /bin/sh (bash is fine, a real bourne shell works, too) available (need not be login shell) and has a set of common UNIX utilities. By now it should be stable, it was tested on several types of remote machines with lots of stuff done (reorganizing remote home directories, editing web server files, up/downloading large files). It is full-featured, even thumbnail previews work like locally (if remote mime type detection is possible, see README). All KIO::SlaveBase methods are implemented, only resume is still on the TODO list. Password queries and "host key not found. are you sure you want...?" queries are passed on to the user. Speed is great, on slow links (128kbit/s) it is faster than NFS - unless you are uploading (still working on that problem). If the remote machine runs at more than 300MHz, a 128kbit (compressed) ssh link is saturated. Download/stat/list/... performance is great with any remote machine. On the negative side, it has only been tested with openssh, I have no idea if it works with commercial ssh. Moreover, it might not compile out-of-the-box on non-Linux systems, patches welcome. Success reports welcome, too ;) The first release can be found here: http://ich.bin.kein.hoschi.de/fish/ Btw, I think this would make a nice addition to kdebase or kdenetwork. If anyone wants to add it, e.g. to the kioslaves collection, just go ahead. -- CU Joerg PGP Public Key at http://ich.bin.kein.hoschi.de/~trouble/public_key.asc PGP Key fingerprint = D34F 57C4 99D8 8F16 E16E 7779 CDDC 41A4 4C48 6F94 >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<