Some nice and funny project names have been mentioned already. Impressing how many people associate different things with the kde-debian initiative. But more importently many nice things are in the works and look for a place for presentation. Of course, everybody loves news and previews so a common web site and a live CD would be great. In order to avoid unecessary maintanance load for the Live CD I agree it would be good to work with a modular project like Morphix. Allowing to maintain a kde-debian module and providing live employments of new kde-debian stuff this way. Putting out a more standalone CD could run the risk to become just yet another distribution and tie up a lot of manpower outside of Debian and KDE. (And I think that was disscussed in great detail with UserLinux already) KDE and Debian people readily agreed on points that needed attention not only for "Conquering the (Enterprise) Desktop" [1]. The kde-debian initiatve to polish the edges was born. But does that need to be a separate project with its own name, not to risk the term brand? After all is it not a general cool integrated and versatile Free Software Desktop we want to see upstream in Debian and more wide spread in the future. Possibly with a graphical d-i frontend. An altenative to selecting a new name could be to do a little coordination with the Debian-Desktop group [2]. Kde-debian covers much of the general and KDE site of it. What about sticking to "The kde-debian initiative" that gets the work done without being $ Cheers, Christian [1] [2] _______________________________________________ kde-debian mailing list