-----Original Message-----
From: kde-cygwin-bounces-+ralf.habacker=freenet.de@mail.kde.org [mailto:kde-cygwin-bounces-+ralf.habacker=freenet.de@mail.kde.org]On Behalf Of Íõ•
Sent: Sunday, May 04, 2003 4:47 AM
To: kde-cygwin@kde.org
Subject: How do start KDE on cygwin?

How do start KDE on cygwin?
I've used "kdeinit_wrapper" and "wrapper" command,but...
[Ralf Habacker] 
These command as usable AFTER starting the kde deskop.

After installing KDE3.1.1 on cygwin you can start the KDE desktop through the start menu. There are some links for this like "Start KDE Desktop  ..."
After kde is up, you can use kicker to start additional applications or start a konsole and type kdeinit_wrapper and ... some other ways knows in linux.