On Wednesday 22 August 2001 06:42 am, David Faure wrote: > On Tuesday 21 August 2001 20:17, Jesper K. Pedersen wrote: > > The last one and a half year I've been working on a graphical editor for > > regular expression. The editor is currently located in > > kdenonbeta/tdg/Examples/RegExpDialog. > > > > It is now finished enough to be useful, and I will therefore move it to > > kdeutils with an interface in kdelibs (as suggested by David Faure and > > Simon Hausmann). > > > > Any objections? Not any objection but some questions/comments. With the QT3's enhanced regex's I believe that KRegExp is obsolete and needs to be removed for KDE 3. It was a clever hack to get some compatability with perl style regex's, but it's time has come an gone. I would very much like to see the dependancy of libpcre replaced with QT's regex's (if that is possible and not too hard) as we won't have to depend on another "3rd" party library.