Joseph Wenninger wrote: > > Hi > > > > > Now come the questions: > > - do you find it useful? (I do as it gives kicker greater flexibility, and > > you can also put some code into libraires, reducing kicker's size) > > - what should I do with it? Now, everything is in kicker directory, but I > > guess the base class should be moved to kdeui, which would implies some > > changes in the code. > > > > I can't decide anything, but it sounds like something I would have needed > some time ago, but hadn't the time to implement it. > > Why does it need to be in kdeui ? It is only usefull for kicker, isn't it ? I > think kdeui shouldn't get bigger and bigger, because of classes, which are > only used in one or two applications. Why not put it into an own lib ? I spoke too fast ;-) Just after writing it, I realized it is not necessary. Actually I redesigned the code: - removed PanelXMenu, and used PanelMenu as base class, additional infos (title and icon) are taken from the associated desktop file. The only header to be installed now is "base_mnu.h" and your plugin needs to be linked against this is not a big deal as only kicker will load the plugins, so it's already in memory. Michael. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Michael Goffioul IMEC-DESICS-MIRA e-mail: (Mixed-Signal and RF Applications) Tel: +32/16/28-8510 Kapeldreef, 75 Fax: +32/16/28-1515 3001 HEVERLEE, BELGIUM ------------------------------------------------------------------