Martijn Klingens wrote: > > > BTW, having read all the docs and written some implementation, I've > > decided that SOAP is a great protocol :) > > Can it (technically) replace e.g. DCOP in KDE 3? Not that I'm saying I want > this, just curious. I guess this is getting off-topic here, so a private > reply might be in order... As the others allready pointed out, that wouldn't be a good idea because of performance problems. I just did a presentation about SOAP at the university and according to my research SOAP (and other XML-based protocols) is about 10 times slower than traditional binary RPC/RMI protocols and about 100 times slower than a raw socket connection. This paper compares SOAP with Java RMI and has a lot of detailed data: This is the reason why Microsoft .NET uses a binary protocol for LANs and SOAP only for the internet. To give you an idea of the performance you can expect on a PC: With Apache SOAP as server and a custom C++ client using QXML and kio_http I was able to do about 10-15 calls/sec on a 1Ghz Athlon PC. The main purposes of SOAP are currently * Interoperability, combining different RPC/RMI systems (e.g. IONA sells a Corba Orb which can use both IIOP and SOAP as transport protocol) * Client/Server applications for the internet, because with HTTP or SMTP its possible to access SOAP services through firewalls and proxies I implemented a small example application for my presentation that simulates a internet auction side with Apache SOAP (Java) on the server side and a GUI client implemented with C++, QXml, kio_http. I have to agree with Rik that it is fun to use SOAP, because its very easy to learn and to employ. Especially implementing a SOAP service with Apache SOAP is very easy. Greetings Christian -- >><< Christian Gebauer >><< >><< ICQ 14916141 >><<