On Mon, 28 May 2001, Rob Kaper wrote: > On Mon, May 28, 2001 at 11:37:35AM +0200, David Faure wrote: > > Hi Hank ! > > Can you add kde-promo to lists.kde.org ? > > Thanks ! > > And konq-e as well, AFAIK Done, and done--they should both appear on lists.kde.org now. I've slurped down their existing pipermail mbox spools and inserted them, so we've got full "histories" of these lists now. [ The below is why kde-core-devel is cc'ed, though it will probably bounce/need approval--this is just a random pulse-taking; if the core folks don't see a problem with the current situation then no need to respond/react or even read past the third sentence or so. ] FYI, Rob Kaper was correct yesterday when he wrote on kde-promo: > The list on lists.kde.org is not complete, I think there are two > different mailinglist systems in use. :-/ There's no direct, automated link between lists being added to the listserver on kde.org and showing up on lists.kde.org. And, there are lists that we don't currently carry (similarly, not all lists served by the listserver are listed on www/mailinglists.html AFAIK). Theoretically not all lists "want" to be archived there, and list-creating people decide if/when they create a list if/that they want it carried and drop us a note. But in practice often the owners/ founders/most active participants of special-purpose lists don't really know this, so it takes until David, Coolo, Martin, etc get pinged or notice the question come up to throw things our way. Off the top of my head I see three possibilities which imply varying degrees of work: a) do nothing; this note to kde-core-devel may serve to catch up the core folks who don't know the drill, and that's enough; b) someone modifies the list-creation process/script on max.tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de to automatically drop a mail to me or webguy@theaimsgroup.com (better) when a list is created so we get an automatic heads-up and can check and add the new list, and add it if it seems appropriate; c) said automated thingy can be, say, GPG-signed, and go to an automated mailbox on our side which sets up archiving for the new list automatically. c) represents a decent amount of work and I'm laz^H^H^Hbusy as I'm sure everyone else is too. It also has the chance to accidentally expose private, internal lists (assuming there are or could be such). b) represents a medium amount of work, but almost exclusively on the list-admins' behalf, so I really can't evaluate if it's worth the bother :-P a) may be enough, and I suspect it is; I'm open to revisiting other options any time someone feels it isn't. In the meantime, anyone who runs/is on a KDE-related list (whether homed at kde.org or elsewhere) that doesn't show on lists.kde.org and should, drop me an email :) Thanks, Hank Leininger