Which brings up the question, how to code this thing? ;-) I never looked at XALF (or whatever it is), which probably would be a good idea, but since we already have app start notification the first thing that occurs to me would be sending a XClientMessage to KApp asking it to change the cursor back and forth. Rik Hemsley wrote: > > #if F@lk Brettschneider > > > This is very true. The current GUI approach for application launching is > > not very intuitive for many users. > > That's why I second Torsten Rahn. > > The visual launch-feedback of the taskbar should be moved to the mouse > > cursor where it will be noticed by all users, immediately and in an easy > > way. > > The mouse cursor could stay as an arrow but with the animated launch > > symbol, additionally. > > Someone going to write a patch and we test it on users by making it an > option ? Seems like the best way to me. If the users say 'I like it', we > make it default and make the current method an option. If half the users > like it, we make it an option. If the users hate it, we drop it. Just > someone make a patch, eh ? > > Rik