Computer labs usually don't have the sound turned up. I really don't see why it is a bad idea to use what the majority of other GUI's use (a cursor), other than it is a pain to code. Waldo Bastian wrote: > > On Tuesday 08 May 2001 08:12, Scott Manson wrote: > > But let me play devils advocate here > > Linux is a multi-tasking OS so starting an application the > > box/machine/desktop is not really in a "busy" state I can > > start a konsole and then start kmail or other program. If the mouse icon > > turns to a busy icon; that to me means that the machine is busy and I have > > to wait till the OS is ready for more input. > > The busy cursor seems to be a recurring topic. The last three times it was > discussed it wasn't a good idea and I don't think anything has changed since. > > > I also dislike the notion of sound alerts; a sound alert should be used to > > get your attention for something that requires more information. > > Instant feedback when you do something is usefull. A subtle sound when you > select something would certainly be a usefull addition. > > Cheers, > Waldo > -- > | SuSE Labs KDE Developer |