On Tuesday 08 May 2001 13:09, Lubos Lunak wrote: > Dne út 8. kvìten 2001 13:31 Ralf Nolden napsal(a): > > Hi, > > > > out of experience (from this internet cafe here running with KDE 2.1.1) > > the users are *not* capable of understanding that starting applications > > may take some time. The result is that they click on the konqueror or > > netscape icon 5 or more times which slows down the machines (diskless > > clients) even more. So what is needed besides the taskbar start > > notification is to also set the cursor to wait cursor. A new hourglass > > cursor with a pointer a la windoze would be the best option, this one > > can be black and white so this shouldn't be a problem to do actually. > > But changing the cursor is *very* crucial. > > > > Ralf > > This is going to be a little problem, since AFAIK all widgets may specify > their cursor and it can't be globally overriden. And I don't think that > changing the cursor is the only and best way of doing it. It can be easily > made that you get a little splashscreen for every app as a startup > notification, or you can even write an app that will do 'beep beep' > everytime you start Konqy or Netscape. > Just writing an applet which would > connectDCOPSignal(0, 0, > "clientStarted(QString,QString,pid_t,QString,bool,int)", > "clientStarted(QString,QString,pid_t,QString,bool,int)", false); > and do whatever you want in its clientStarted() should be enough for now. > But if you want to make any changes, please tell me. I'm currently > rewriting the code a bit ( see my other mails ). Just a thougt, what about an (global?) option along the lines of "having started app X ignore further start requests until the app is 'running'". I think it would be Ok to limit this, maybe to requests originating from the "desktop" (eg, if you do alt-f2 cmd, alt-f2 cmd, quickly then you get two). ???? Regards Mike > > Lubos Lunak > -- > l.lunak@email.cz ; l.lunak@kde.org > http://dforce.sh.cvut.cz/~seli -- mike@quaking.demon.co.uk http://www.quaking.demon.co.uk