On Saturday 05 May 2001 17:23, Rob Kaper wrote: > On Sat, May 05, 2001 at 01:17:56AM +0200, Matthias Elter wrote: > > > Sign me up for Slackware. > > > > > > KPP maintains a world-wide database of telecom providers and their > > > rates *and* ISPs and their dail-in settings for crying out loud. If= we > > > can maintain that, can't we take care of those few different setups= ? > > > > Those few different setups? Don't kid yourself. > > Okay, maybe I shouldn't have added that sarcasm. But I still think that= if > we can maintain all the KPP stuff, we can also find the people willing = to > write distribution specific stuff. cvs checkout kdeadmin.=20 Have a look into that module. Mostly unmaintained and unuseable. Distribu= tion=20 independent? Try some kdeadmin modules on the latest Caldera, SuSE or Red= hat.=20 I don't see people willing to wirte distribution independent configuratio= n=20 tools. And you need lots of people for the shiny goal you have in mind. Matthias P.S.: You are free to try anyway of course.