On Tuesday 24 April 2001 18:51, Preston Brown wrote: > I have added support in KMix for popping up a master volume control right > next to the speaker icon in the system tray on a single left click, and > showing/hiding the full mixer on double click. Right mouse button brings > up the context menu, as it did before. > > I think having the volume control close at hand like this (as windows does, > ahem) is very useful. I can commit to either the head branch or the 2.1 > branch if anyone is interested. Opinions? Do you know about the kmixapplet? I believe a much better solution would be a volume slidebar *always* present, aside the or instead of the (useless) speaker icon. This way, no more click/aim/click/drag/pay-attention-at-what-happens with the spurious slider unmanaged window. Just click/drag. Nice, eh? In fact, this kind of functionality already existed, written by Bernd Wuebben (?) and graphically improved by me. It was a stack of lines, narrow and blue for low volumes and enlarging + becoming red when volume was increased (a bit like the (ugly) kmixapplet of today). It vanished, dunno why nor how, during the finishing of the KDE-2.0. But I'd say, go for it with the commit of the code you've got. It's much better than what we currently have. BTW, I'm very glad to see you here. My friendly salutations. CT