Am Dienstag, 10. April 2001 14:36 schrieb Michael Jarrett: > Dawit Alemayehu wrote: > > It seems that I am in the mood to propose things today :) Anyways, I > > wanted to float the idea of moving out the whole information section in > > the control panel into its own dialog box that I discussed on IRC with > > David. The reasoin I suggested this was that IMHO the control panel is > > usually associated with a place where one makes modifications and changes > > to affect/control behavior of desktop and related application. Though > > the information tab might provide information necessary in accomplishing > > that under some circumstances, it is not an essential aspect to make such > > changes. > > > > My idea hence is to move the information module into its own application, > > something like ksysinfo and place it under Utilities > > (K->Utilities->System Information). This can then be used to relay as > > much information about the system as desired. > > YAY! > I have been suggesting this for awhile. It sounds like a good idea, > especially considering the sheer wealth of information that is (and > potentially could be) displayed. Why removing the stuff ? K, it isn't very useful at the moment but the control center should be the CENTRAL place in kde for all system settings/info/managment ! (in my eyes). The users love windows 2000 managment console (or better: the most people using 2000 and really working with their system likes it). KDE should have such a central place too (and control center is allready such a place). Therefor I don'T like the idea of removing the information stuff (but nothing against a redesign or a more useful implementation (like some settings for X instead of only a information). cu Christoph > > Michael Jarrett > -- | | / / - get an edge in editing - | | / / »»»» GET KATE «««« | |/ / a fast and capable multiple document, | \ multiple view text editor for KDE | |\ \ | | \ \