On Thursday 29 March 2001 17:14, David Faure wrote: > On Wednesday 28 March 2001 23:49, Dan Williams wrote: > > I was just starting to look at doing a DB/2 module myself. I have it > > installed on my system. > > > > I agree that having support for DB/2 & Oracle would be a big plus. > > > > On Wednesday 28 March 2001 08:15 am, Shawn Gordon wrote: > > > If anyone is interested, a DB2 module would also be very cool. I've > > > got a copy of DB2 here, but we haven't had a chance to do anything. I > > > think having 2 or 3 of these high end commercial databases accessible > > > via konqueror and KDE-DB would be totally cool. > > Hmm, I think that before anyone spends too much time writing > kdedb plugins, it would be a good idea to reach a decision about kdedb. > > This discussion has started privately, but should rather be held here IMHO. > > On one hand, Qt 3 is arriving with DB support. > On the other hand, we have kdedb now, but the author (Alessandro), > and theKompany in general, seem to indicate that they don't intend > to maintain it in the future. > That's not completely true. ATM I have little time to do it, but I don't want to drop it at all. The question then should be the following: will the forthcoming qt3 database library cover all the needs we have? Maybe we can drop the library, but what about the ioslave and the kcontrol modules? they can (and will, if we choose to rely on qt3 sql access) be ported to the new architecture. Can someone knowing what qt3 db library will look like tell us something about it? > In the light of this... is it really wise to keep kdedb at all ? > If the need for DB support is urgent, then of course "what we have now" > is better than "whatever will come in the future" (from Qt). > But OTOH if this can wait a little bit, we can perhaps drop kdedb > completely and go for Qt3's DB support, which is guaranteed to be > maintained. > > Note: I don't know the technical merits and flaws of any implementation, > kdedb nor Qt. If anyone knows, it would be a good input to the discussion. > In any case, the issue of "who's going to maintain it" remains IMHO. -- Pradu ----------------------------------------- Alessandro Praduroux pradu@thekompany.com http://www.thekompany.com