Waldo Bastian wrote: > > [Second attempt, no idea where the first one went...] > > Hiya, > > KDE 2.2beta1 is planned for next week but several people warned that they are > still midway some changes that they would like to complete before the first > beta. So in order to make a decision about KDE 2.2beta1 I would like to hear > from you if you are working on something that is currently not ready yet to > be released. I would also like to know when you expect it to be ready (1 day, > 1 week, 1 month, 3 months....) > > I especially would like to hear about the status of the following issues: > > * dom2 event stuff > * new kio-slave configuration > * doc generation This is still in the making and one month minimum to get it into a reasonable shape BTW: it's not about "doc generation", but about "help system rewrite" :) Greetings, Stephan -- Teigwaren heissen Teigwaren, weil sie Teig waren * J. v. d. Lippe MFCH