From kde-core-devel Wed Mar 28 07:22:47 2001 From: Alessandro Praduroux Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 07:22:47 +0000 To: kde-core-devel Subject: KDE-DB enabled in CVS X-MARC-Message: Seems that some mail has been lost tonight... Hi all, I've just enabled the compilation of KDE-DB in kdelibs CVS. I've updated it to make BC-aware, and it actually works AFAIK ;). The MySQL plugin is the most complete, but also the Postgres one works. Other plugins are more than welcome. Some code using KDE-DB is scattered across KDE CVS: - /kdebase/kcontrol/kdedb: configuration of connections and plugins - /kdebase/kioslave/sql: browse databases and tables, produce Kugar reports (needs some enhancements) - /kdenonbeta/kdbbrowser: a very simple db browser, still unfinished, in the future can be moved to kdeutils maybe. I'm open to any question and bug report ;) -- Pradu