I am implementing rudimentary access control lists (ACLs) for the KDE CVS. Certain modules in CVS will have restricted commit policies. That is, only those users explicitely specified will be able to commit to them. The two modules that that are restricted are (currently) CVSROOT and www. I have already made the change to CVSROOT so unless you are one of the CVS admins, you can't commit to it. I will be making the change to the 'www' module in a few days or early next week. The reason that I am sending this message out is that I need a list of people to allow. If you need to be able to make modifications to any part of the 'www' module, then send me a private email at granroth@kde.org (don't spam these lists). To be clear: when I enable ACLs for the www module, if you aren't on the list then you won't be able to commit any changes! By default, all other modules will be available to everybody (as always). -- Kurt Granroth | http://www.granroth.org KDE Developer/Evangelist | SuSE Labs Open Source Developer granroth@kde.org | granroth@suse.com KDE -- Conquer Your Desktop