Am Montag, 12. M=E4rz 2001 21:52 schrieb Waldo Bastian: > On Monday 12 March 2001 11:19, Torsten Rahn wrote: > > Obviously having a widget or at least a consistent mechanism which of= fers > > to switch between: > > > > - SDI > > - toplevel MDI > > - tabbed MDI > > - Emacsstyle MDI > > I think SDI is still the preffered way. Toplevel MDI is broken by desig= n > IMO. Certain applications may benefit from tabbed or emacsstyle MDI tho= ugh. > I guess you could add some support for tabbed and emacsstyle MDI. > > Such an MDI solution should also provide some menu support then. > > One of the things that I don't like about MDI is that you need a whole > bunch of menu-actions for managing your windows. Look how many stuff > konqueror has for this. > > With a more general MDI solution, applications should default to SDI wi= th > an configration option to enable MDI mode. That way the application can > dump a bunch of its menu-entries when running SDI, making it less heavy > handed and overwhelming for new users. Exactly right, there should be a lib, call it kdemdi or so.... with which= the=20 developer can minimize the programming efforts and the user have the choi= ce=20 between MDI tabs, MDI emacs style or SDI windows. That wouldn't break KDE= SDI=20 style and help users migrating from Windows (where MDI is very popular) o= r=20 only users who like MDI or SDI. Look at Gnome MDI (it isn't nice, but something like that, where you have= a=20 global control in kontrol center over the behaviour of the apps (tab,=20 splitter, SDI) and each app can have its own preferences). If you create such a lib, I would enjoy it to use it in Kant. cu and greetings ;) Christoph > > Cheers, > Waldo --=20 | | / / - get an edge in editing - |=A0| / / =BB=BB=BB=BB GET KANT =AB=AB=AB=AB | |/ / a fast and capable multiple document, | \ multiple view text editor for KDE | |\ \ | | \ \