You mean activating the third tab when the dialog shows up ? Maybe in that case.... but in many other cases the name is important. And even in this case it can be - the whole point in "captions", for instance in bookmarks, is that one may want to set a name different than the actual URL (which may be long, ugly, contain a query, etc.) I'm not convinced. On Thu, Jun 22, 2000 at 04:41:50PM +0200, joerg habenicht wrote: > Hi, > > I created some shortcuts on the desktop for testing. > At first I was asked for the name of the shortcut, some lables later > for the application or URL I'd like to start. > > My suggestion: > Wouldn't it be more intuitive for inexperimented users to ask for the > target URL or application at first ? And afterwards try to create the name > MY URL.desktop automaticly ? > This way users don't have to bother about the names of the desktop files. > And the names on the desktop describe the target they are pointing to. > (I just left the name for the desktop file "as is") > > I used KDE1.91 for the experiment. > > cu, > Joerg > > -- > THE full automatic planets host > :-) > > -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- > Version: 3.1 > GE/CS/IT d- s+:- a- C++ ULS+++>++++ P+++ L+++>++++$ > E W+++ N+ !o? !K? w--(---) !O(++) !M !PS !PE !Y? PGP+ > t-- 5-- X-- tv+ b++ DT?() D-(+) G>+ e++>+++$+ h+ r% y? > ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ > "Das Leben sollte nicht so ernst genommen werden, > man überlebt es sowieso nicht." -- David FAURE,, KDE, Making The Future of Computing Available Today