Hi, I created some shortcuts on the desktop for testing. At first I was asked for the name of the shortcut, some lables later for the application or URL I'd like to start. My suggestion: Wouldn't it be more intuitive for inexperimented users to ask for the target URL or application at first ? And afterwards try to create the name MY URL.desktop automaticly ? This way users don't have to bother about the names of the desktop files. And the names on the desktop describe the target they are pointing to. (I just left the name for the desktop file "as is") I used KDE1.91 for the experiment. cu, Joerg -- THE full automatic planets host :-) http://www.planetsserver.com -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GE/CS/IT d- s+:- a- C++ ULS+++>++++ P+++ L+++>++++$ E W+++ N+ !o? !K? w--(---) !O(++) !M !PS !PE !Y? PGP+ t-- 5-- X-- tv+ b++ DT?() D-(+) G>+ e++>+++$+ h+ r% y? ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ "Das Leben sollte nicht so ernst genommen werden, man überlebt es sowieso nicht."