Hi Mirko, I worked on address book stuff a bit more this weekend, I'm pretty close to supporting libkab as a backend except for problems with custom fields. I'm now quite certain that I need or at least would very much like support for custom fields. Mirko could you please add a new data member to AddressBook for this, something like the following would be nice: QStringList custom; // Custom, possibly application specific fields I will then store all my custom fields for an application in a single string in this list. I'll prefix the string used by an application with an obvious prefix, eg "Kontact:" for custom fields used by the Kontact addressbook I'm working on. The other issue is that I don't understand how the addressbook locking works. I guess I want to open the address book read only and only open it for write access for the duration of a 'non const' operation like add, change, remove. How do I do this, or am I not meant to do it this way? BTW I believe adding a data member to the Addressbook class will not be binary compatible. Thanks for any answers, Don. On Thu, 01 Jun 2000, Mirko Sucker wrote: > Don Sanders wrote: > > > > There are several unresolved issues with integrating KAB and KMail, I'm > > working on solving them. > > > > I can see at least one problem with the current API, it doesn't allow address > > book entries to contain custom fields. I can work around this limitation if > > need be, but the work around won't be pretty. > The current implementation provides four fields that may be used > arbitrarily and may be named by the user. The number of four has been > chosen by me and is easy to change (possibly even binary compatible, I > am unsure about this). > > If you want to use this fields in a standardized way from your GUI, it > should be better to add standardized fields, what is prepapared and a > matter of minutes. If you want to support an unlimited number of user > defined fields, this would be possible, but most probably need more > effort. > > As a proposal, try to implement everything supported by now and lets > extend the library when binary incompatible changes are allowed again. > > In my opinion, this limitations limit only applications that are > currentlxy unreleased, like Don´s GUI for the addressbook. Have a look > at kab, it advances quickly and uses only this library, nothing else. > > What I will do is > ° fix all this user interface buglets in the addressbook application > (there are some...) Functionally, it is merely done. > ° have a look at the integration of kab and kmail. > Like lots of other apps, kab (the application) is not in a state to fix > the ABI (estimated 90% done). But the library is. > Greetings, > --Mirko. > -- > Drei Dinge gibt es, denen alle Menschen gern gemütlich zuschauen: > ° fliessendes Wasser, > ° knisterndes Feuer und (am allerliebsten) > ° anderen Menschen beim Arbeiten. (Charlie Brown).