On Tue, 30 May 2000 pbrown@redhat.com wrote: > OK I'm working on hunting this down but if someone more familiar with the > code can find it faster, even better. > > If I launch a .desktop file of type Link with the URL: > > http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=344797145 [ description of problems deleted ] OK! I found it. Here's the offender, in class KFileManager (krun.cpp): /****************/ bool KFileManager::openFileManagerWindow( const KURL& _url ) { QString cmd = "kfmclient openURL "; cmd += _url.url(); system( cmd ); return true; // assume kfmclient succeeded } Problems with this function? 1. it is in kdelibs, but makes a call into a kdebase program (kfmclient) 2. it has high overhead because it calls kfmclient. Is there a way we could do a more direct call? The code here is short and sweet, which is why it was written, but it results in what turns out to be a very long path. I must be missing something. 3. the cmd wasn't quoted (I'm fixing, the URL now works fine). Let's discuss. -- Preston Brown pbrown@redhat.com Red Hat, Inc.