Let's make a "big decisions of life" kcm module, which will be displayed first run time, and it can also be popped up later. It would contain questions like: 1. Mac menu bar (was your previous machine a mac?) 2. Single/double click 3. Language 4. Left/handed right handed etc. This would be for beginners, who normally do not tweak the rest of the settings. Opinions? Lotzi On Wed, 26 Apr 2000, Torsten Rahn wrote: > > > It becomes too messy for an inexperienced user. Do a newbie even know > > (or care) what is a KDE app and what is not? > > No, (s)he doesn't. There are already many newbies in the > kde/linux-newsgroups who think various apps to be KDE-apps although > they aren't KDE-apps. By mixing KDE and Non-KDE-apps in the > K-menu we will get more BUG-reports and mails concerning > non-KDE-apps as people will assume that they belong to our product. > (People are used to the fact that competing programs are note > being mentioned by competitors ;) > > > It is better to make this easy accessible in the CC. > > as I said: most people who rarely use PCs won't search > for an option like this. They are used to things only > showing ONE behaviour. My mother e.g. might be a good > example for this: She takes things as they are and > judges on it then without getting the ideas that things > are configurable. Maybe this comes from the fact that > washing-machines, espresso-machines, toilets and things > are not configurable in the way you use them. > > Tackat > > > -- > > Espen Sand >