On Fri, Mar 31, 2000 at 12:30:34PM -0500, Christopher Molnar wrote: > Is this addressed with session management being enabled? No, this is an issue at the X server level - if XF4.0 doesn't do it, it could be forwarded to the X developers, BTW. The solution that was reported to this list is: Compile the following program and call it e.g. in /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup_0: #include #include int main() { Display* disp = XOpenDisplay( NULL ); if( disp == NULL ) return 1; XTestFakeKeyEvent( disp, XKeysymToKeycode( disp, XK_Num_Lock ), True, CurrentTime ); XTestFakeKeyEvent( disp, XKeysymToKeycode( disp, XK_Num_Lock ), False, CurrentTime ); XCloseDisplay( disp ); return 0; } David. > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2000 22:50:15 +0200 > From: Eric Sorensen <320084530752-0001@t-online.de> > Reply-To: kde-alpha@nebsllc.com > To: kde-alpha@nebsllc.com > Subject: Number Lock Setting > > This is way OT and may be a complete idiot question so flame me if > necessary, but I've been eternally bothered with the lack of a setting where I > can have the Number Lock activated upon entering KDE (any version). > > It may be here somewhere, but if so I haven't found it in the past year and > haven't seen in in the ALPHA's either. If this isn't yet in Krash then may > someone hear my plea. If it's already here though, then throw me an asbestos > suit :-). Thank You. > > Eric Sorensen > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > Resent from: kde-alpha@nebsllc.com * A list for kde-alpha users > Send subscribe/unsubscribe requests to: kde-alpha-request@nebsllc.com > Send posts to: kde-alpha@nebsllc.com -- David FAURE, david@mandrakesoft.com, faure@kde.org http://home.clara.net/faure/ KDE, Making The Future of Computing Available Today See http://www.kde.org/kde1-and-kde2.html for how to set up KDE 2