Hi I just got busted today by a fervent supporter of KDE (in a corporate environment) about the fact that KDE2 isn't able even to configure the general fonts of the desktop. He insidiously pointed me to the fact that gnome does it right :-( I investigated a bit and it seems to me (after a fast code browsing) that in all the rush of vamping over central KDE functionalities, during the huge kinstance/kglobal/kapp hap, some things got royally screwed up. For instance, kdeglobals isn't created anymore when changes related to it are induced from kcontrol. Specifically, setting a font does nothing. Try it. From the code, I can say that '_rcfile', a default param in many global settings from kcontrol, gets initialized to QString::null (default param) and it's never forced to equal "kdeglobals". In fact, kcontrol/desktop/fonts supposes it's set by KGlobal in a default call of type KConfig *config = KGlobal::config(), KGlobal equals it to an _instance::config() (which returns a KInstance object data member), and KInstance does nothing to it. What gives? Or, please, prove me wrong. Otherwise, right now, KControl is quite seriously damaged. Cristian Tibirna