Kurt Granroth wrote: > > Stephan Kulow wrote: > > You seem to forget that people are expecting to download the software > > and configure && make all install > > Not forgetting! That was one of my biggest concerns. > > > How would that work with your approch? > > One of two ways: > > 1) Currently, 'configure' looks in 'admin $(srcdir)/admin' for some > files. We could modify it to look in 'admin $(srcdir)/admin > $(kdedir)/share/admin' > > or > > 2) Have 'configure' create a symbolic link from $KDEDIR/share/admin to > $(srcdir)/admin FIRST and then carry on as normal. And what if the configure was created with another version of admin? Greetings, Stephan -- It said Windows 95 or better, so in theory Linux should run it GeorgeH on /.