Stephan wrote : > Well, I don't see why nana can't be used side by side to kdebug. Sure. As I said : fine with me if applications developers use nana, as long as kDebug is the one used for debug output, for the reasons I explained already many times. But only if it doesn't prevent from compiling KDE with other compilers than gcc (it is possible to do that, right ? Your "patch for CC5" for Qt, is it about a compiler ?). > Those that want nana can - it's after all a very tiny library Yes, if it doesn't limit KDE to gcc (provided that it wasn't already limited to it). > (and I compile with -g everything since I compile KDE at all > [actually --enable-debug was the very first configure switch we had]). :-) Well, not everybody does that. Especially not users, even the ones that use bleeding edge KDE and report bugs ! > But your kdebug changes should definitly go > in, you're right that we shouldn't make our developers after libraries, > but our libraries after our developers. And history showed that > whatever we gave them, they printf()ed ;-) Exactly :-) And raw printfs are evil because they can't be turned off. > But I would use asserts that can give me more output than "it > was wrong" anytime I can. Well if that's the only reason for nana, what about void kAssert( bool condition, const char *fmt, ... ) ?