Antonio Larrosa wrote: > > Hi, > > I'm thinking that there could be a problem with the new design someone > (coolo?) proposed for kio. > If I'm not wrong (and to put it simple), there's a daemon and it forks for > each kio command, isn't it ? > If so, there could be a problem with dial-up connections. > It seems that the resolv.conf file is only loaded by libresolv on startup > of the application (in this case, when the daemon is run, or perhaps when > the first kio_http child is forked, I don't know, but it doesn't matter). > > The problem is that kppp (and similar apps) change the contents of that file, > so it should re-read it after the change, but this cannot happen unless you > restart the application. > > Well, I should say that I don't know much about all this except for > what comes in the wwwoffle FAQ (question 3.2), so I may be completely > wrong with this. This means you have to restart netscape when you go online? Never noticed, it just worked. Greetings, Stephan -- When your memory goes, forget it!