> Hi, > > lets try again: > > At university our students can not install apps since they are not > root. So they can install only in their home directories. > People reported to me that they can not install the RPM > packages in their home dirs. Is there any way? For relocatable RPMS, yes. --relocate, IIRC, but others will know more. For other RPMS you can still hack with --badreloc and other stuff. > And further more: Can we set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to contain > $HOME/.kde/libs ? Distributors should in addition > add $HOME/.kde/bin to $PATH, or we do that in startkde. This is all distributors' issue I think. In fact if anybody knows how to install libs in $HOME/.kde/libs, he'll know how to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH as well. I don't think we should do anything here - most people won't have anything in ~/.kde/{bin|lib}, so why clutter their $PATH and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH ? OTOH somebody could set up a web page to explain how to install KDE in a user's account, with the various package-types available (rpm/deb/pkg...) > And (related to ksycoca) if two services of the same name and the > same servicetype exists. One of the user and one in the global > environment. In this case it would IMHO be a good idea to perfer > the service the user has installed himself. How does KSyCoCa handle > this ? Parses user's dirs first, and skips everything that exists globally and that has already been created. BTW, this is not a new issue. global/local distinction has existed for two years (and now we have KDEDIRS for more levels...) :-) -- David Faure faure@kde.org - KDE developer david@mandrakesoft.com - Mandrake david.faure@cramersystems.com - Cramer Systems