On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, David Faure wrote: > In the last discussion about it we (especially Preston, Torben and I, IIRC) > decided that before the user configures anything (using filetypes), > the preferred service would be arbitrarily chosen from the installed services. > > Result : for text/plain, the default gets set to gvim instead of kedit > or write ! (for those who have gvim installed, found by kappfinder) > > It works as we said, but do we really want to ship a desktop whose default > action for text files is opening the ugly, non-user-friendly-at-all gvim ? :-) > > I see no other solution that what I suggested long ago : a preference number > IN the application desktop file, serving as default (overriden by the > user's profile). Actually this is how the mimetypes file works. There the preference is the order in the file, but nevertheless it is there. I think there is no other good solution possible. Well, a simple is_default boolean switch would be possible also. But a preference number is better, as the switch breaks if you remove the default desktop file. --Stefan