On Tue, 19 Oct 1999, Dirk A. Mueller wrote: > Harri Porten wrote: > > > I'm not sure whether uniqueness should be user configurable. It's > > something a programmer wants to enforce to prevent users from damaging > > config files when accessing them with several apps as once. > > but there might be cases where it SHOULD be user configurable. i.e. > playing multiple video streams versa playing always only one video > stream. No no no. The suggestion was to open a new window of the same process! Uwe ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uwe Thiem Tel: +264 - 061 - 244511 P.O.Box 30955 Fax: +264 - 061 - 244511 Windhoek Email: uwe@uwix.alt.na Republic of Namibia uwe@kde.org http://www.kde.org ********************************** You can still escape from the GATES of hell: Use KDE! -------------------------------------------------------------------------