My brief opinions/experiences (suffering email overload). Why not make kppp available for download seperately from the kdenetwork package? Surely less controversially than changing how things are packaged. If things are going to broken up, then is it more work? and who is going to volunteer to do it. Competition is good, I'm looking forward to seeing release versions of Magellan and Empath too. I think they deserve a fair go. Elitism is bad, I _would_ be offended if KMail was completely removed from CVS while I was actively working on it. I mean saying only one mail app should be in cvs is a bit like saying only one desktop environment or one OS should be installed. At the moment we have zero, count 'em, zero, working mail clients for KDE 2 in cvs. Part of this conversation is concerned with a hypothetical situation at the moment. I'm not aware of losing email when using kmail like Rik has. I'm only aware of loosing 1 email in the past 6 months (and I don't think that was kmails fault). I spent about 3 months using an auxillary email client to make sure that kmail wasn't loosing mail. I know of other people using KMail (for months) they haven't complained of loosing mail. I subscribe to email lists, if I was loosing mail I would have thought it would have been obvious and easy to check for by looking at the e-mail list archives. In general there is a serious problem with how decisions are or rather aren't made via this list, perhaps some kind of formal decision making process needs to be put in place. Perhaps something worth discussing at the KDE 2 meeting which I won't be attending (as I'm on the opposite side of the planet). BFN, Don. Suffering a serious case of the idle applications receiving Signal 11 blues. On Sat, 02 Oct 1999, Harri Porten wrote: > Hi ! > > This has bugging me quite for a while now and I would like to hear some > comments and counter arguments on this: > > Proposal: > > kdelibs and kdebase stay intact but the other packages are SPLIT UP into > smaller entities, i.e. the contained applications.