At 20.00 22/09/99 +0200, you wrote: >Hiya, > >I'd like to advocate for inclusion of kdesu in the KRASH release. > >KDE su features: > > * graphical password dialog > * automatic X authentication > * (rather) secure password keeping > >It is currently tested on: > > * Linux (w & w/o glibc 2.1, PAM, unix98 pty's) > * Solaris 7 (intel) > >Different scenarios are possible: > >1) All the way. >KDE su gets included in kdebase and all things requiring root priviliges >(kdm setup, kfm su, kvt su, ...) are called through kdesu. > >2) Not all the way. >KDE su in kdeuitls. It installs a new kfm su and kvt su .desktop entry. I vote for (1). kdesu should be moved to kdebase ASAP.