From kde-core-devel Tue Sep 21 20:38:37 1999 From: Lotzi Boloni Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 20:38:37 +0000 To: kde-core-devel Subject: Re: RE: cuteidl -- maybe we should give a thought to OmniORB X-MARC-Message: > Well, this OTOH would kill cuteidl. No, why? I am speaking about the ORB, not about the IDL. I know that they are interdependent but unless I have a very bad understanding of what is going on, cuteIDL is a new mapping, essentially idl2qt or idl2kde instead of idl2c++. And it uses MICO as ORB. So you can reuse most of the code and use the other ORB instead, because the mashalling code should be the same (if I am not an absolute idiot). Correct me if I am wrong. Lotzi