Daniel Naber wrote: > > Hi, > > thereīs a bug that should be fixed before 1.1.2. Itīs described here: > > http://bugs.kde.org/db/18/1836.html > http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-devel&m=93598661906872&w=2 > > The bug floods your screen with windows, making the system unusable > if you donīt know how to stop it (i.e. kill the process). > > Stefan Doll managed to repoduce the bug. It goes like this: > Open the file dialog, e.g. in kmail to save a mail. Go to a directory > that has many other directories in it. Scroll to the right (i.e. > it only appears with simple instead of detail view) and click > on a file -> ASSERT: "c < nCols" in widgets / qtableview.cpp (1629). > The bug wonīt show up if you donīt have to scroll to reach the item. > > I didnīt manage to fix this. The problem seems to be in > QTableView::findRawCol (actually, Iīm looking at Qt2.0 sources since > I donīt have sources for 1.44, but the problem appears with Qt 1.44). > > Can someone please try to fix it? Sorry, I'm not going to fix bug that were reported so near to a public release. If noone noticed so far, then it won't be such a big problem. Greetings, Stephan -- Programmers, heed this: If someone starts asking you about agricultural genomes, it's likely time to get a handler. zdnet.com about Torvalds