On Mon, 30 Aug 1999, Dirk A. Mueller wrote: > Harri Porten wrote: > > > picturesConfig.writeEntry( "UseDir", dirCheckBox->isChecked() ); > > picturesConfig.writeEntry( "Directory", dirLined->text() ); > > + picturesConfig.writeEntry( "RandomMode", true ); > ^^^^^^^^ > > are you sure that this is right?? The bug: if the Random option is checked and the Random Setup dialog is opened the randomMode variable is overwritten with the _old_ content of the content file which might have ben FALSE. Since the TRUE setting wasn't saved and forgotten. My reasoning for the patch: if the Random Setup dialog is used & closed the user _wants_ the random mode, therefore the TRUE. If the user changes his mind he can always deactive the checkbox. This Cancel button of the main Background dialog a bit useless - that's true. But as you see, there were other writeEntry() calls from the "child" dialog already. The design is a bit broken. Tell me, if you think something should be corrected. Harri.