From kde-core-devel Wed Aug 25 07:16:55 1999 From: Stefan Taferner Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 07:16:55 +0000 To: kde-core-devel Subject: Bug in our color scheme usage? X-MARC-Message: Hi all, Maybe I am on the wrong path, but I cannot get rid of the feeling that something with our color schemes is broken (using Qt-1.44 and Kde 1.1.2pre if this makes a difference). I played around with a scheme that has light 'Text', dark 'Background', dark 'Window text' and light 'Window background'. What one would expect is that Text/Background are used for all the (static) areas that are not widgets (buttons, labels, menus, etc), and Window text / Window background is used for all edit widgets, listboxes, etc. What happens? The edit and list widgets get the background from 'Window background', and the text from 'Text' color. The colors of the static areas is set properly, however. I don't think that this is a feature (?) --Stefan