Here is a comment about QGroupBox. 1. I replaced code some places and it works great. Much simpler to read and maintain. 2. I am missing one thing. In some dialog boxes I have a frame just above the action buttons. Now, it I resize the dialog box, I don't want the contents of the frame to center vertically. It is OK that it centers horizontally, but I think it feels/looks wrong if there is vertical centering as well. Two images below (~3 k each) (default min. size) (resized as I want it) The latter bahaviour is easy to get working with QGroupBox provided that one do one small change in QGroupBox source code. In QGroupBox::setColumnLayout() ---------------------------- after vbox->addLayout( grid ); I added vbox->addStretch ( 10 ) Of course one can not do this in real life, but one can: 1) make vbox protected so that it is possible do this in another class, or 2) add a new stretch parameter to setColumnLayout() or 3) add a new method that sets this value directly. I think this would enhance the usefulness of QGroupBox -- Espen Sand