On Sun, 1 Aug 1999, Harri Porten wrote: > > > Modified Files: > > > startkde > > > Log Message: > > > added kwrited. > > > > Did I miss something essential? Does somebody bother to explain? > > For testing purposes this may be fine but we MUST NOT put too much into > startkde. Optional stuff like kaudioserver, kwmsound, kwelcome and > kwrited should only be launched if marked as activate in some config > file. Otherwise the startup time will become worse than it is already. I was discussing with Coolo on IRC about making startkde a binary code with a kcm module. Or be much more consistent with the autostart mechanism in konqueror (and in fact pass it to kdesky). I think kdesky has the best position to become *the* essential piece of the desktop. This program should be able to load modules (so that rootwm functionality, bgndwm functionality, session-management functionality could be moved to ldl'ed tiny libraries and such the user will be able to just unload them from his memeory if he so wants), should be able to keep a database of id's for apps wanting "unique instance" features, etc. > Harri. > > P.S. Christian, thanks for fixing kppp. I hadn't even noticed that the > KNumInput conversion had broken it. Oh! My pleasure. Nothing to thank for :-) I use kppp pretty extensively, so, without it I'm dead :-). I didn't even know that kppp was ported to knuminput (my hdd code still had qnumlineedit's in it) until I clashed with a rather incomplete series of modifs while attempting to commit *my* take at porting it :-). KIntNumInput also needed fixes. Thanks Cristian