Hi, Guess what: KDE just hung again. I was having trouble with a bad (data)CD, which caused the kernel to have read errors and (small) timeouts. I guess that resulted in a bigger chance of the race condition to occur; there were a lot of X events in the event queue every time the kernel returned. But that's talking in the direction of the hyptothesis; it still can be something entirely different. Anyway, first KDE didn't respond for a few seconds. Someone described that behaviour in the thread "Strange hangs with KDE 1.1 (KPanel)" as well, but that was (and is) not the real problem. (Well, it may be connected, I don't know.) Shortly after that, KDE hung again, with exactly the same symptoms I described in the forementioned thread. Again I logged in remotely, and first killed kpanel. Nothing. What next? Just arbitrarily I chose to kill klipper. Nothing. Hmm, didn't someone mention krootwm as a possible cause? Ok, kill it! And what do you know, everything (I hadn't killed :-) came back again. So now I have two seperate situations. In the first, killing kpanel solved the problem, in the second killing krootwm did it. Makes you wonder if killing krootwm would have worked as well, the first time? Maybe it is a deadlock between krootwm and some other app, which happened to be kpanel then. But again, your guess is as good as mine... REQUEST: if you have a similar hang, try and kill krootwm, so that we can find out if that one is the problem. Stefan -- Stefan van den Oord s.m.vandenoord@student.utwente.nl