Mirko Sucker wrote: > > Hello, > like we discussed on LinuxTag in Kaiserslautern, I added two classes to the KDE > user interface library: > > ° DialogBase (dialogbase.h, dialogbase.cpp): > > A class that manages common tasks required for writing up-to-date dialogs. It > provides "OK", "Apply" and "Cancel" buttons, tooltips, quickhelp, a link to > show the help window, some frames and general geometry management. To use it, > simply create a widget that suits as the main part of the dialog, set its > minimum size and hand it over to a DialogBase object as the dialogs "main I have yet to look at example applications but wouldn't it work using sizeHint() ? One of the postive effects of converting code to Qt 2.0 was the chance to kick out all the setMinimumSize() calls and let the geometry managment figure out the sizes on its own ? (Just speculating since I haven't read trough the code intensely enough) > widget". Mostly it is not needed to derive a own dialog class. > > ° KAboutDialog (kaboutdialog.h, kaboutdialog.cpp): > > A general about dialog for KDE apps, providing logos, displays for author, > maintainer, an arbitrary number of contributors and email and homepage URLs. > Again, to use it, only a sequence of calls is needed, no new class. I bet you have developed these classes for Qt 1.x originally. Since you are assigning the function parameters to QStrings anyway and want to make them Unicode safe you should consider replacing most of the "const char*" to "const QString&". The following code KAboutContributor::setName(const char* n) { if(n==0) { name->setText(""); } else { name->setText(n); } } would then be reduced to KAboutContributor::setName(const QString& n) { name->setText(n); } :) > --------- > I have an example for both (KAboutDialog is a DialogBase) called > kaboutdialog_test.cc, is there a place to put it? Please put it in (someone already suggested kdelibs/kdetest) Harri.