Hola! Why don't you use phonon? What would it make it useful? What do you reckon we should do with it? A bit of background perhaps: waaaay back when phonon was conceived as multimedia abstraction library to serve as multimedia pillar. While it is certainly abstract and a library I'm not so sure about the pillar aspect ;) In fact, phonon is barely even an abstraction since I only maintain the vlc backend and nobody else maintains any other backend. So, one has to wonder if it'd not make more sense to put the bit of energy that flows into phonon to instead go into qtvlc and not have to deal with the abstraction element at all. Indeed all these abstractions seem a bit silly because the multimedia libraries gstreamer and vlc are already abstractions... it's nesting dolls all the way down. With all that in mind I was prototyping a revisit of the API many years ago. Away from complicated mediagraph pipeline building abstraction to simple player abstraction (you have a player, you give it a url, it plays the url, that's it), as indeed that seems to be what most remaining users want to do these days - hassle free playback. Perhaps that is a path to take? But then the question remains, do we need the abstraction at all? Any and all thoughts welcome. HS