
Só far, simple solution and would reduce a lot work of reviewers.

On Wed, Apr 13, 2022, 04:27 Ingo Klöcker <kloecker@kde.org> wrote:
On Samstag, 2. April 2022 11:21:11 CEST Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Nate Graham wrote:
> > This caused a problem recently in KWin. A new contributor was given
> > commit rights very soon after he appeared, and then immediately after
> > that, he inappropriately merged a not-fully-reviewed an un-accepted
> > merge request
> > (https://invent.kde.org/plasma/kwin/-/merge_requests/1980). It seems
> > that he did not have a sense of the cultural norms around committing to
> > KDE repos, and giving him commit access was probably premature.
> Well, the question this calls for is why the merge request was still not
> fully reviewed almost six weeks after submission. I would guess that that is
> what the misunderstanding came from: the submitter most likely assumed that
> the changes were fine given that there were no outstanding comments. (The
> submitter did try to address those comments that you had in those six
> weeks.)
> I should also point out that the complaints in Xaver Hugl's post-merge
> review were all only formatting/whitespace, choice of comment sign, and
> brace issues (with no effect on the end user at all),

Several PIM libraries have clang-format pre-commit hooks that prevent
formatting issues in the first place (and, occasionally, annoy me because the
hooks also complain about formatting issues in unstaged/uncommitted code, e.g.
temporarily commented out code where the commented out code is not correctly

Formatting is something no reviewer should have to waste brain energy on
